2023: A Year in Review


As we bid farewell to another eventful year, we at the Roger Scruton Legacy Foundation extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has joined us throughout 2023. Your constant support and enthusiasm have been the pillars of every inspiring event, enlightening discussion and shared learning experience.

Join us now on a visual journey through the past year. From thought-provoking seminars in the halls of Oxford to insightful lectures amidst the serene Wiltshire countryside, each graphic tells a story of inspiration, learning and the enduring influence of Sir Roger Scruton’s philosophy. As you click through these memories, reminisce with us and find inspiration, we are reminded of the power of ideas to connect and inspire us all.


This retrospective is more than a celebration of our achievements—it's a tribute to the growing community dedicated to perpetuating Sir Roger Scruton’s legacy. Looking forward, we're filled with anticipation for the new opportunities and experiences that await us. We invite you to continue this journey with us, helping to advance Sir Roger Scruton's vision of a world enriched by philosophical thought, cultural tradition and intellectual exploration. Would you consider supporting our mission with a gift before the end of the year?

Thank you for being an integral part of our 2023. Here’s to a year ahead filled with just as much enlightenment and growth!

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